Sunday, 31 May 2009

River Earn 31/5/9

What amazing scenes the river gives.

This wee chaffinch took a long time to trust me enough to come out for a drink.

This yellow hammer was braver.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

24/5/9 River Earn Walk and near St Fillans

A grand young fellow.

Believe it or not these are wild goats.

Can you tell me what this wee white butterfly is? It doesn't have any spots like a lot of the white ones do.

And what about this beast in the beautiful hawthorn flowers?

Sunday, 17 May 2009

17/5/9 Laggan Hill and Lady Mary's

This strange swamp monster looked very interesting!

This thrush stayed still just long enough.

My brother Duncan taught me this is a dunnock and not a sparrow like I thought.

Captured cornflower.

Look at the beautiful colours in these.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Broich Wood 10/5/9 and garden August 2008

I found this massive beastie in the garden last year.

To show you how big it was here is a honey bee on the same flowers!!

I certainly wouldn't want to have an argument with this beast!

This Peacock butterfly stayed lovely and still for me.

These were very srange flowers, I don't recognise them.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Walk 3/5/09 Along river past Visitor Centre Crieff (2) and up the Knock 26/4/09

New life or maybe an Alien being?!

A hairy beast and magic sun blob, I love the colour blobs I get from the sun.

A lovely droplet just a jewel
of water and light.

Opposites attract! The perfect couple.

Walk 3/5/09 Along river past Visitor Centre Crieff

I really love daisies. One of my favourite flowers.

Beautiful blue.

I love this shadow person in the river.

I have chased orange tip butterflys for months but they have
always been too quick for me. This one decided to be nice.

I hadn't realised what beautiful markings were underneath it's wings.

River Earn Walk (Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland)

We have been spoilt by some wonderful sunsets recently.  😀 I found this wee patch of snowdrops.