Sunday, 27 December 2009

A wee sparrow among the twigs.

Is it Austria(?) no just wee old Crieff!!!

This one let me get a wee bit closer today as it was just too snowy and cold for it to bother!!

 A mysterious object.

Ah ha, here it is explained.

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Not too clear but I was so pleased to get this beautiful bullfinch.

My magic wood.

I like the way this looks like a mixture of colour and black and white.

I thought this looked like a wee mini tree.

It really was cold today.  A lovely, magical, wintery world.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Well it really was cold today!

A spiders web that actually looks like a spider!!

An upside down world.

Frost makes a flower.

And this one is just to add some colour.