Sunday, 31 January 2010

Mars and the lovely moon 29/1/10 , the wee white dot on the left is Mars, I think the red splodge was just me moving the camera.
A beautiful, cold day today.
The world of a feather.
Birds eye view!
I liked the way the sun shone on the bottom of the trees.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

I liked this pattern.

It is amazing what getss washed up on the stony shore, I think this was the top of some sort of pot.

A distant view.

I love the green of mallard ducks.

The snow is nearly gone now but this view of Turleum was still atmospheric.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

The path was too icy to get down to the river today, so I went to see the standing stone instead.

It's incredible if you look at what you think is bare stone just what an amazing world lives on it.

A lovely stone that looks completely different from every side, it has real character and feels very happy.

Caught in the magic sun.

A bird and a monster !!!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

A nice leafy pattern.

Pigeon walk.

Stepping Stones!!!

Icy patterns.

You can see by the colours that these ducks were so cold they let me get closer than usual.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Aren't cameras amazing?  I wouldn't have been sure that it was a woodpecker that I saw until I got to check the photo zoomed in.

A cold branch!

Prickly Creatures!

A lovely snowy robin.

This wee wren just stayed still long enough.

River Earn Walk (Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland)

We have been spoilt by some wonderful sunsets recently.  😀 I found this wee patch of snowdrops.