Sunday, 25 April 2010

Even the cows thought that I was mad going a walk today!!
A rainy but lovely quince blossom.
I like the yellow and white daffodils.  Or maybe it is orange and light yellow?

Amazingly this beautiful swallow stayed still and let me take a couple of photos.
It must have been so fed up of the rain, it even has a drop in it's eye.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

It's nest time.
It was a really miserable rainy day today but there is still beauty to be found.

Not a clear photo, couldn't catch it quick enough but I had to show you the hare that ran past me.
A poor rained on, fed up horse!

Monday, 12 April 2010

Beautiful Loch Earn
I love the way the sun caught this birds eye.
I always remember coltsfoot because it's flowers come out with no leaves.
There are quite a few butterflies about now but they need some flowers to sit on yet.
Some lovely white flowers to finish the walk off.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Not much to photograph today I think all the wildlife must have been busy eating Easter Eggs!  But here is a nice pansy from a display bed down the road.
An amazing view of the moon from the other night.
He's found a pal!
I like the beautiful blue and silver colours of this one.
An interesting conversation!