Sunday, 29 August 2010

It was too cold and windy today for many exciting photos on my walk but I got a few garden ones.
This was on my walk, acorns getting ready for Autumn.

A flowery shadow on this butterfly.
An interesting view of this white butterfly.

Monday, 23 August 2010

Glen Lyon 22/8/10

Can you spot all the deer?  Click to zoom in maybe you will see them, they are just tiny wee brown dots, there were loads of them.
A perfect looking Puff Ball.
Beautiful waterfall.
A rainy day made all the more lovely by the sun breaking through.
A beautiful wild Scottish scene.

I was really excited and pleased to see my first wild eagle.  Click to zoom in and see how fast that sheep is running away!!

Sunday, 15 August 2010

More wee fish.
I managed to get a photo of another grasshopper.

A tiny wee toadstool.
They are beautiful aren't they.
This amazing moth has bits of its camouflage sticking out at different angles.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Another extra holiday walk this week.
What on earth kind of beastie is this???  If you zoom in you can see by it's legs that really is a living creature!
A posh beastie!
An interesting pattern.
It's really difficult to actually see one of these grasshoppers but when it's sunny and warm you can hear loads of them.
My favourite tiny Small Copper butterfly.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Not a clear photo but I had to show you this, there were a group of young ones that quickly ran away when the heard me, I just managed to catch a photo of this one.  They were down by the water side.  What is it?

Click on the photo to zoom in and see the amazing markings on this wee beetle.
Not my new camera so I was really pleased to get this photo.
Looks like it is going to be another good year for toadstools.
The beautiful view and you can just make out the swan.

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Spotted these geese on the way down from Inverness today.

This poor (young buzzard?) bird must have been hurt or it would never have let me get so close.  But it was still an absolutely amazing photo opportunity.
First fritillary butterfly I've seen this year.
An interesting looking wee beastie.

River Earn Walk (Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland)

We have been spoilt by some wonderful sunsets recently.  😀 I found this wee patch of snowdrops.