A lovely walk today but nothing much at all our and about.
Stay away from my bird!
Sunday, 19 February 2012
What is this big bird of prey? It might explain why there wasn't
much wildlife around on my walk today! Is it a Red Kite?
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Cameras are brilliant, they show us a whole new world. I've always wanted to see a Jay and better still get a photo of one but never have. Then I was zooming into this photo that I took today and look what I found!! B-) Press on the photo to get a bigger view.
A beautiful Spring like day today.
Crieff from a rare angle. If you walk back along Lady Mary's and go
right down to the river at one bit, you can see this view of Crieff.
Sunday, 5 February 2012
I'm still not sure of this camera. I wanted to get the
red of the hip along with the icy drop but it seems
very difficult to get it to stay on macro. Never mind
it turned out quite interesting anyway.
The ducks along this river fly away very quickly as soon as the hear(?) me. It is really difficult to be quick enough to catch a photo of them flying away.