Sunday, 22 November 2009

Who would have thought that these tiny wee yellow fungi type things would look so strange when zoomed in?

I loved the colours of this view up the Knock, Crieff.

An interesting view through the knot of roots in one tree.

An interesting, magic stone up the Knock.

Too dark to be clear when zoomed in but I still had to show you this fine fellow.


  1. Is that a hole in the top of the Rock? If so could it be a Pictish cup mark?

  2. There are a number of cup holes on it, they look like they were carved out by stones against rock in a river.

  3. Olá Blanche, encontrei hoje o seu blg e gostei muito do seu espaço. Tem umas imagens muito bonitas que a nossa bela natureza nos dá. E ás vezes é Através dessas imagens que podemos recordar os nossos passeios. Eu adoro o contacto com a natureza.
    Cumprimentos e, como costumo dizer: "Hasta La Vista"

  4. Thankyou Rui, I wasn't sure what language that was by I tried Portugese to English and it seemed to work.


River Earn Walk (Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland)

We have been spoilt by some wonderful sunsets recently.  😀 I found this wee patch of snowdrops.