Sunday, 27 June 2010

What you looking at?

Well what on earth kind of beastie is this??

This is my beastie keep your hands off it!!

Hello there!

Very atmospheric.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Not on my walk but just a few photos from me trying out my new camera.

I am glad to see that the colours are coming out good, I was a bit worried about that.
This is part of another photo but I thought it was really interesting on its own.
Beautiful and amazing poppie.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

What is this?  Is it a sandpiper?

I'm trying out my new camera.  Some photos work some don't, I like this one.

Heron and oyster catchers.
A beautiful pattern in this feather.
Sweet ducklings.

I'm having trouble getting the macro to work but this one worked well.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Mr and

Rainy Buttercup
Another tasty morsel!
"I'm going to be a frog extremely soon!"

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Mettalic Green Beastie.

Can you spot the bird?  I think it might be a Yellowhammer.
Mr Squirrel
A dull day for photos today but still beautiful for a walk.
A baby bird.  Is it a Robin?